Drug and alcohol addictions are complex and involve more than one type of treatment in order to effectively manage and cure the addiction. Counselors and doctors work together to help clients create an individualized treatment plan that helps them overcome the addiction and live a sober lifestyle after addiction treatment. New Jersey residents who suffer from either drug or alcohol addiction have a number of options available when seeking out professional help.
Treatment with Medications
It may seem contradictory to treat addictions with more pills, but certain medications can greatly help someone with withdrawal symptoms. Before a person can begin effective treatment, he or she must go through a detoxification process to rid the body of the addiction. This process may take days or weeks depending on the severity of the addiction. Medications work to subdue cravings for the drug, help to relieve some of the symptoms that occur during detox, and can make a person more agreeable to receiving treatment.
Outpatient Therapy and Rehabilitation
A less intense form of addiction treatment in New Jersey is outpatient therapy. A client visits a treatment center a certain number of times each week or each month. Licensed therapists work with the client through the use of individualized therapy sessions, group counseling, or family therapy sessions. In many situations, counselors schedule clients for each type of counseling to help them manage and overcome their addictions.
Residential Treatment Centers
A more intense type of treatment involves staying at a residential treatment center. Depending on the extent of the addiction, clients may stay for a few weeks or a few months. Being in an environment that is closely monitored and has around the clock care and support helps those who need intense addiction treatment. New Jersey residents suffering from addiction can escape their current world of drug and alcohol abuse and enter a safe sanctuary that allows them to heal and recover in a safe environment.
Addictions are multi-faceted, so it’s not uncommon for addicts to need more than one type of treatment. The different approaches to treatment allow people with various degrees of addiction to receive proper therapy and start to recover.