Discover the Advantages of Looking Into Dental Implants in Wheaton

by | Dec 4, 2023 | Dental Services

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There are several dental appliances that help with oral conditions. For instance, you may need to look into dental implants in Wheaton if you are dealing with damaged, decayed, or missing teeth. Fortunately, it is a painless procedure that offers a range of advantages.

Chew Without Discomfort

Chewing is difficult when you have missing or damaged teeth because these ailments can be uncomfortable or painful. With dental implants, you can say goodbye to struggling to enjoy your favorite foods.

Keeps Adjacent Teeth Stable

When a tooth is missing for too long, the other teeth shift toward the empty space. A dental implant fills the gap, keeping the adjacent teeth in their proper positions.

Prevents Bone Loss

The lack of stimulation in a gap causes the jaw bone to decline. A dental implant replaces both the tooth and root, providing stimulation and preventing bone loss.

Keeps Bacteria at Bay

It is easier for food particles to get trapped in an empty space, causing infections and gum disease. Luckily, dental implants fill those gaps and keep the bacteria at bay.

Similar to Natural Teeth

You can rest assured that dental implants look and behave like natural teeth. They are easily maintained with regular brushing and flossing.

Lasts a Lifetime

With proper care, dental implants can last many years or even a lifetime. This is great for saving money on other dental procedures.

If you need to look into dental implants in Wheaton, contact the staff at DuPage Dental Smiles.

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