Drug offenses in Arizona are penalized according to laws identifying the type of drug and the individual’s intentions for these drugs. Currently, the courts identify controlled substances as dangerous drugs, narcotics, or marijuana. While the penalties for possession are not as harsh in most cases as trafficking, those charged with these offenses could incur the same permanent changes due to a conviction.
What Are Dangerous Drugs?
According to Arizona laws, dangerous drugs are those in which the mind is significantly altered. They include LSD, GHB, methamphetamine, and ecstasy. The lowest possession penalty associated with these drugs is a class one misdemeanor. The current possession penalty for this charge is a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a maximum fine of $2,500. If you were arrested in possession of these controlled substances, you should hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Mesa, AZ.
Identifying Narcotic Drugs
The state of Arizona maintains the same classifications for narcotics as the federal government. This indicates that heroin, opium, and cocaine are all narcotics. Several prescription narcotics in this classification include but are not limited to Oxycontin and morphine. Possession of any narcotic drug is considered a class five felony. The penalty for this charge equates to a maximum of eighteen months in prison.
Marijuana Possession Charges
Currently, marijuana remains illegal in Arizona. Possession of any quantity below two pounds is identified as a class six felony. The maximum prison sentence is of two years and the fine for this charge is no more than $750. Any quantity beyond two pounds is classified as intent to distribute. Anyone caught selling marijuana could face up to twelve years in prison. If you were arrested for possession or trafficking of marijuana, you should hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Mesa, AZ. Visit website for more information.
Arizona has begun a statewide crackdown on all illegal drugs. Therefore, they are enforcing all drug laws strictly, according to the type of the type of substance and quantity found in possession of the accused. If you are arrested and facing any drug charges, you should hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Mesa, AZ by contacting the law firm of Janet R. Feeley L.L.C.