DWI laws in the state of Vermont are strict, and this means that even one conviction can have pretty severe consequences. Even if it’s only a first DWI offense, the help of a DWI law attorney in Vermont, especially one who focuses on this area of the law can be invaluable. Here are the offenses for DWI in the state of Vermont.
The First DWI Offense
For the first DWI offense, there is an automatic driver’s license suspension for 90 days. If the driver has an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in their car, this suspension period is shortened to 30 days. The fee for the reinstatement of the driver’s license afterward is $82. There are also fees for the written reinstatement test ($32) and the driving reinstatement test ($19).
Because the driver’s license will be in the restricted category following a DWI license reinstatement, there’s a $125 fee. The driver education program costs $250. Before driving again, costly financial responsibility insurance must be obtained. The maximum criminal fine for a first DWI is $750, and jail time can be as much as two years.
The Second DWI Offense
In the second DWI offense, the penalties grow much stiffer. The driver’s license is suspended for 18 months, although this can be shortened to 90 days through the use of an IID. As with the first DWI, the fee for the reinstatement of the driver’s license is $82, the reinstatement test is $32, and the driving reinstatement test is $19.
There’s a $125 fee connected to license reinstatement. The driver education program costs $250. Before driving again, financial responsibility insurance must be obtained, and it may be even more costly than with the first DWI. The maximum fine for a second DWI is $1,500, and there is a possible prison term of up to two years. If less than 60 hours are served in prison, 200 hours of community service must be completed.
The Third DWI and Beyond
With the third DWI and beyond, prison time can go up to 5-10 years and fines can be from $2,500 to $5,000. Driving privileges can be permanently lost. At this point, the DWI will inevitably have a major long-term impact on a person’s life.
Don’t gamble with the future; call a DWI law attorney in Vermont for help as soon as possible. Contact us to learn more.