Does Your Business Or Event Need Security Officers in Escondido CA

by | May 20, 2020 | Security Systems and Services

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Unfortunately, the world isn’t as safe as you’d like it to be and theft, vandalism and robberies do occur. If you have a business that you’ve considered hiring security for, here are a few things to consider when hiring a security company. You can hire stationary guards who can sit or stand at a specific area. These guards can be in uniform, plain clothes, armed or unarmed. Maybe your store is having problems with theft and don’t want to scare off other customers, these types of guards can keep your customers and merchandise safe without scaring off your customers.

If your business is a warehouse or warehouses with material that is also outside, a stationary guard would not be what you’d like to hire. You would want to hire a mobile security guard. The only difference between a stationary guard and a mobile guard is they will move around your business checking on the safety and security of your business. If your business has been burglarized in the past or other businesses in your area have been burglarized, a mobile security guard is definitely something you want to check into. It does not make sense to wait until your business has been robbed of precious material or merchandise to hire a security guard.

Security Officers in Escondido CA are trained by instructors that are certified in ASP, OPOTA and Taser International. The instructors are also certified. Security officers can take classes monthly to stay up on the field of security. Security guards are not there for the paycheck. They are there to defend your property, employees and to protect your interests in your business.

Police departments are now starting to charge for false alarms at businesses with security systems. Having a security guard on location can eliminate having the police come and charge you because of a false alarm. Also, with police departments being cut back, having a security guard on site will give you immediate security for your business instead of it possibly being low priority for the police because of other more important calls.

Protecting your business from criminals vandalizing, stealing or trying to destroy what you have worked for can be eliminated by hiring a professional security guard. It makes sense to hire one to protect your investment. For more information contact East-Tech Private Security Inc

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