Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Dental Implants in West Chicago

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Dental Services

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Dental implants in West Chicago are temporary teeth replacements that are installed on jawbone areas. For the replacement teeth to stay in place, titanium cylinders are installed below the gums in a surgical procedure. This procedure has to be carried out by a certified dentist and done in a facility with the right dental tools to reduce health risks.

Types of Dental Implants

  • Endosteal implants– These are the safest and most common type of dental implants available. They need a healthy jawbone for the implant post to fuse properly.
  • Subperiosteal implants– These are designed for patients whose jawline area is not enough. They do not need extensive surgery.
  • Zygomatic implants– These complex dental implants are anchored on the cheekbone instead of the jaws.

Why do you need dental implants?

  • They feel and look like real teeth. People who have gone through the procedure cannot differentiate between their real teeth and implants, making them adapt to them easily.
  • They restore the natural functions of real teeth. With dental implants, you can handle tough foods and clean them like your real teeth.
  • They are reliable compared to dentures. Since dentures can become loose with time, implants are more convenient since you will no longer have to worry about your teeth falling.
  • Implants are durable. When maintained properly, implants can last long and will rarely require replacements.
  • They prevent bone loss. Having spaces in the jawbone can result in a lack of stimulation and bone loss, which can be prevented by having implants.
  • They are easy to maintain. You can brush them using your normal oral care products like dental floss, toothpaste, and mouthwash.

To get the best dental implants in West Chicago, contact DuPage Dental Smiles.

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