Exploring the Possibilities of Natural Legacy Cremation Options in Butler County OH

by | Sep 1, 2015 | Funerals Services

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The decision to make final arrangements in advance is a wise move. Doing so means loved ones do not have to guess what the deceased would have wanted. There will also be no possibility of anyone being tempted to spend more money than they can afford. While considering different types of arrangements, take the time to learn more about Natural Legacy Cremation Options in Butler County OH. Here are a few points to consider closely.

Why Cremation?

In order to truly understand why Natural Legacy Cremation Options in Butler County OH are worth exploring, it pays to address why cremation is a good idea in the first place. For those who feel that the expense of a coffin, vault, slab, and headstone is not necessary, cremation will involve nothing more than providing an acceptable container for the ashes. That means more assets left to pass on to loved ones.

People who prefer simple memorial services will also like the idea of cremation. It is easy enough to place the urn in a place of honor along with a picture of the deceased and possibly a few items that the person owned and enjoyed using. The service can take place at home, in a house of worship, or even at some outdoor location that the individual enjoyed during life.

After the Service

For some people, the idea of the ashes being placed in an urn and taking up space on a bookshelf holds only a little more appeal than being buried in a casket. Remember that it is possible to scatter the ashes in a number of places. Depending on local laws, it may be possible to hold a service and then release the ashes in any number of locations. Checking with the local municipality will make it possible to determine if the ashes could be distributed on property owned by a loved one, in a local park, or maybe in a nearby forest.

After learning more about the process and what can be done in the way of advance preparation, there is a good chance that this approach will be just what the client wants.

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