Factors Behind Choosing 3 Axis CNC Machining

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Machining Services

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When it comes to machining, CNC rules. This type of equipment generally falls into two basic types:

1. 3 axis CNC machines

2. 5 axis CNC machines

The decision to employ 3 axis CNC machining over other types is based on consideration of several related factors.

Factors Affecting Machine Choice

Using more than one axis allows machine shops to produce simple and complex shapes in large amounts. However, the demands of specific shapes can affect the decision of what type of machine to employ. Three axis machines use the following axes – X, Y, and Z, in order to produce a specified component for a customer. It is capable of removing shavings in three basic directions.

However, 3 axis CNC machines may not be suitable for producing all types of components. When considering whether to use 3 axis CNC machining, it is imperative to consider the following factors:

* Setup time: How long does this require? Does it mean more than one setup for further actions or multiple fixtures?

* Component geometry: How complex are the parts. Can the 3-axis machinery address all concerns?

* Accuracy: Can the 3-axis machining center produce highly accurate parts swiftly, efficiently and effectively?

* Costs: How much does it cost to purchase and install the right CAM software? Will the staff require extra training? Is the software applicable for more than a specific part run?

3 Axis CNC Machining

CNC machine tools fall into divisions according to the number of axes they have. In particular, professionals divide them into two separate categories: 3-axis and 5-axis ones. The choice between these two types is often difficult. Simplification of the decision-making process is possible by considering certain production, financial and related factors. In the end, the preference for 3 axis machining over other alternatives requires a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s project.

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