There are several different methods and options when it comes to removing solids suspended in water or liquids. One of the oldest and most effective ways to remove solids from water or liquids is through a process known as clarifying.
Clarifying can also be known as settling, as this is basically the process that is involved. In these systems, the suspended solids in the water enter the tank where it stops moving, allowing the heavier suspended materials to fall out of the liquid and into the bottom. This sediment is then removed through an ongoing process.
To turn smaller, lighter suspended solids into material that will fall out of the liquid in the clarifier, flocculation and coagulation methods are used. These processes cause the fine or small suspended solids to attach or clump together, which makes them heavy enough to settle.
The Benefits of an Inclined Plate Clarifier
To speed up the settling process, an inclined plate clarifier uses a series of plates, typically made of polypropylene, within the tank. This provides a larger surface area, effectively speeding up the settling process.
Additionally, the choice of a plate clarifier that uses inclined plates allows for a more compact overall design while still providing a significant surface for the water to move across and the solids to catch on and settle. The incline of the plates allows the accumulated solids to slide down the plate and move to the bottom of the tank where the sludge is collected and removed.
While these types of clarifiers can be used in a wide range of applications, they are particularly useful in removing fine particles that are suspended in the water. They are low cost to purchase, install, and maintain, and they are often used to pre-treat water before it passes through high cost and high maintenance types of membrane filters.