Finding Reliable Information On A Judge Of The Superior Court Of California

by | Feb 11, 2019 | law

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One of the challenges of preparing a motion or a case for the court is how the judge on the bench will react and respond. A judge of the Superior Court of California has an impact on all aspects of the trial, from the first motion filed to the final verdict in the case.

As a trial attorney or a law firm, having insight into how any one particular judge of the Superior Court of California rules on a given motion in the majority of cases, or how he or she responds to specific issues in the court in similar cases is a definite advantage.

Today, thanks to advanced algorithms and Big Data, it is now possible to compile information on the way a judge has ruled and managed issues throughout his or her career. This is not a definite predictor of all issues in the court, but it does show clear trends and tendencies by a judge over a particular amount of time, by specific case type or even by motion type.

Comparing a Judge to Others

Another essential use of judicial analytics, which may also be called litigation analytics, is the ability to compare a judge of the Superior Court of California with other judges. This is a way to look at the likelihood of the judge to rule the same as other judges or if he or she tends to be more of an outlier and rule in ways that are counterproductive for your case.

For your client, having this information on the judge is a way to prepare him or her for the process. This includes the average time to trial in the court compared to other courts in the jurisdiction, the initial CMC delay, and even the typical case length and if that is in line with other judges in the jurisdiction.

All of this information is reliable as it is based on all available data, not just on anecdotal reporting or a few isolated cases pulled from an online search.

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