Finding the Best Replacement Options for your Windows in San Diego

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Window

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It’s time to replace the windows on your home, but with so many options in vinyl, wood and metal how do you know which one is the best for your needs? Do you want durability, energy efficiency, or both? Aluminum windows are full of many advantages when it comes to price and durability. Not only can they easily withstand a wide range of temperatures, but they can also be replaced on your entire home without straining your budget. Most homeowners consider this to be a very suitable investment for both newly constructed homes and those that are in the process of being remodeled. Find a reputable company that deals in aluminum windows in San Diego today.

Great for Large Areas and High Winds

Aluminum is more than three times stronger than vinyl, and has shown to be up to 50 times stronger than wood frames. This added strength makes it a suitable frame choice for large window spans and provides design versatility on modern and contemporary styled buildings. The strength also makes it an excellent option for homes subjected to high winds on a steady basis, such as those on the beach or at higher elevations. In addition, it is resistant to shrinking or swelling, splitting or cracking, as well as rust or other corrosion. Aluminum windows for San Diego beach homes or businesses are a great option for homeowners and building contractors to consider.

Thermally Improved Aluminum

Options consist of standard and thermally improved aluminum from US Window & Door. The former is found on many residential homes and commercial buildings in temperate climates, while the latter is better for a wide range of temperatures including warm and humid, to cold and often freezing. The flexibility of the thermally improved aluminum resists cracking and damage from temperature fluctuations which makes it a great investment for homes that experience unique climates throughout the year. If that weren’t enough, it’s also a much more energy efficient alternative for homes that are normally on one temperature extreme or the other.

Environmentally Sustainable

Aluminum has one of the highest recycling rates for any metal. In addition, it’s an environmentally sustainable material which puts no additional strain on the Earth’s resources. For homeowners who are looking for an eco-friendly option to their new windows, US Window & Door can provide high quality aluminum windows. The best thing about these windows is that they are corrosion resistant in the salt air of San Diego, as well as low maintenance, and you have a total package of both form and function.

For homeowners, aluminum windows in San Diego are a worthwhile investment. US Window & Door has a variety of standard sizes and color finishes to choose from.

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