Help Awaits the Agony of Acne With an Exceptional Dermatologist in Fairfax County VA

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Beauty Salon and Products

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Is there a Dermatologist In Fairfax County VA who can help?

Acne is agonizing, primarily in terms of emotional pain. People with severe acne recognize that one’s face is his calling card. A plain face that’s lit with sincere eyes and a bright smile, makes a good impression but somehow the effect is not the same if the smiling face sports cystic acne pustules, bulging white heads and ugly red scars. Cystic acne has a profound emotional impact on its sufferers, who are statistically more likely than those in the regular population to commit suicide, so great is their despair over a skin condition they feel they cannot control. It hurts when the people you encounter in your daily life recoil from your appearance. Unfair as it may be, there is a sense of censure, of judgement. Acne sufferers feel that others must be thinking, “Gee, don’t they even wash their face?” If only they knew the truth of all the things the poor acne suffering person has tried! Sure, there are treatments … but they just don’t seem to work with this type of acne. Antibiotics tend not to control it, Accutane treatment comes with what can be life altering complications for some, and over the counter preparations seem to work not at all. It would seem as if there are no viable options open to the acne sufferer at all.

However, there is help available in the form of a specialized Dermatologist In Fairfax County VA. Tamjidi Skin Institute offers a different approach to traditional acne treatments in the form of acne laser treatments. Gentle laser treatment is a largely painless procedure that pinpoints and reduces the size of the sebaceous gland which results, in less sebum, the primary cause of acne. An additional benefit of laser therapy is that it reduces the physical appearance of pore size and as well as existing acne scars as it stimulates new collagen growth below the surface of the skin. A series of treatments provides the best results in most cases, and can be combined with other limited health side effect treatments such as chemical peels and microderm abrasion.

For an evaluation, call them today for an appointment with one of their board certified Dermatologist In Fairfax County VA for an honest appraisal of what they can do to alleviate your acne symptoms. No matter how bad your acne, help is on the horizon and your suffering is about to end! Like is on Facebook.

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