A criminal conviction can be scary, but so is the entire process that can lead up to a possible conviction. After being arrested, you may be worried that no matter what you actually did, you’re going to be convicted of the crime and sentenced to a long, harsh jail sentence. However, with a Philadelphia Criminal Lawyer on your side, you stand a good chance of getting your case processed legally within the system and having a fair chance at a good outcome for the case. The criminal defense lawyer you work with will work to ensure that everything in the case is done with your rights in mind, from the start to finish, and they can help you to make sure that you get fair representation.
Before the trial, your lawyer will review over any evidence from the case. This evidence must all be lawfully collected and entered into the system. There are strict policies in place as for who may handle the evidence and how it can be handled, and your lawyer can make sure that these policies were followed. Also, your lawyer can file to have any evidence suppressed from the trial that may make it so that you don’t have a fair chance in the trial. For instance, evidence of past crimes, if they do not relate specifically to the crime at hand, may be suppressed.
Your lawyer may also make sure that your arrest and any statements you made were done legally. In general, a statement must be made after you have been read your rights, although in some cases this may not be true. You also must be given a chance to have legal representation when being interviewed by an officer. If your rights were violated before, during, or after your arrest, your defense lawyer may be able to use this to help you have the charges dropped.
Other ways in which your lawyer can help you make sure you have a fair chance at trial include making sure everything goes smoothly during the trial, and that none of your rights are violated before or during the trial. Any violation of your rights will be dealt with by your Philadelphia Criminal Lawyer, and can mean that your charges are dropped or the case is declared a mistrial. Your defense lawyer will work hard to ensure that you have a fair trial and that your rights are not violated.
A criminal conviction can be scary, but so is the entire process that can lead up to a possible conviction. Visit us at Legalphilly.com. Connect with us on Facebook and get latest updates!