How Do Boilers Work?

by | Jul 8, 2013 | Articles

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Boilers are considered to be among the most efficient methods of heating a home or commercial space. A hot-water heating system is efficient and less expensive to operate than electric. The boiler is the heating plant for steam radiator heating, radiant heat and baseboard heating. A boiler in Chicago can be powered by natural gas, propane, oil or electric fuel.

There are two common boiler designs, hot water and steam. A hot-water boiler in Chicago is compact, very energy-efficient and requires little maintenance and rarely needs any repair. Hot-water boilers work by simply heating water to approximately 170 degrees F; this hot water is then fed into pipes by a pump; the pipes then run around the building. The hot water runs through a heating device such as a radiator. There are radiators in each room in the home, they give off heat. The water continues to flow in the closed system until it returns to the boiler, only for the process to continue. Basically, the hot-water heating system is one continuous pipe, including the coil which is in the boiler and is where the water is heated.

The latest system is one, which makes use of hydronics. A hydronic system is one where a pump is used to circulate water, which is under pressure. The pump is controlled and governed by a thermostat and a burner. The thermostat and burner keep the system running while a tank which contains air and hot water is usually sitting directly above the boiler Chicago area. Hydronic heating is rapidly finding favor because of the small radiators, it runs very quiet and the temperature can be varied room to room. Temperature variance is not possible when using a traditional radiator system; the radiator is either on or off.

Steam boilers are rarely seen today. They have been replaced in almost every instance with hot-water boilers. Steam boilers were very complicated and were controlled by special valves; pressure gauges and feed systems. Steam boilers can still be found in older homes. The heating function is similar to hot water; the steam is produced in a boiler which is fueled by gas or oil, the steam then passes through radiators where it condenses into water, it then returns to the boiler.

A gas or oil fired boiler in Chicago uses an open flame to heat the water; an electric-powered boiler has the heating elements submerged directly into the water.

The most efficient type of boiler is a condensing boiler. A condensing boiler has a larger and more efficient heat exchanger allowing it to convert more than 90% of its fuel into heat whereas non-condensing boilers usually can only convert 78% of the fuel into heat.

Hot-water heating systems are a preferred method of heating a home. They are less costly to install; they are more energy efficient; they provide even heat distribution, and they are remarkably clean and finally, boiler is Chicago are quiet unlike forced air systems.


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