The soil underneath a potential new patio space is covered in layers that go back hundreds of years. Now creating a new patio does not require or use that type of long term layering, but there is a logic in doing things in layers that makes the patio secure and established for the long term. Professional Pavers in Burlington WI apply some of the below techniques to keep costs short and keep long term maintenance at a minimum.
That last aspect is very important to a homeowner. So how does this new patio space so unintruded from weeds, shifting, and other external concerns from the very soil itself? A lot of it has to do with the same thing seen in the soil- layering. Browse the Website to learn more than what is covered here.
Landscape Sheets
Most Pavers in Burlington WI rely on large black sheets that separate the layers needed as well as block out weed outgrowth that could occur. A barrier sheet is applied to combat weed growth that can do more than just ‘appear’ through the patio. They can shift the stones and cause them to crack in the process. A soil additive is sometimes applied by the professionals to destroy pre-existing weeds as well as discourage further growth.
Layer Packing
A packing machine will go over the area continuously until it is absolutely flat and ‘pushed in.’ This device forces dirt down to remove cracks and loosening that could be occurring below. The patio is only as stable as the dirt underneath. This is potentially one of the more arduous processes of paving a space because it relies on delicate and consistent pressing.
This last step is done upwards of five different times throughout the application of a patio. This is because new layers are added, such as sand, gravel, and the stone. After each application, the machine is put out there again to pack the soil space down. It could take multiple applications of gravel and sand, and each one requires another press. Lastly, after a rainstorm or a disturbance of some kind, the process repeats itself. Packing is the most important factor in a stable patio, and it is never even seen. For more information you can visit Kock Kuts.