How Replacing Paper With Digital Technology Can Lead To More Tradeshow Orders

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Business

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When you begin looking at the strategy you have created for your tradeshow display, you may find that there are several things you have done right: an energetic, well-trained staff, a perfect trade show display booth, an area that gets high foot traffic and the unique ability to easily build a rapport with prospects and customers.

However, you may also be one of the lessening majority of exhibitors at tradeshows who are still using paper for orders. If this is your reality, then there is a high likelihood that you are not getting the most from your tradeshow displays.

Tradeshows are typically hectic – that’s just the nature of the beast. In a sea of serious competition, both buyers and vendors are seeking a way to maximize the time they spend on the floor. Customers also may have a long list of booths they want to visit and exhibitors need to be able to work quickly in order to get to as many buyers as they possibly can.

In this type of environment, having to handwrite orders on paper can result in a loss of business because of the long and drawn-out process. This has resulted in more and more wholesalers realizing that the inefficiency is actually hurting their business and the solution to all of this is found in the latest and most innovative technology.

For example, sales order management software allows brands to store various types of product information, order history, customer details, images and various sales reports on a mobile device. An order can be taken with just a few clicks and swipes and sales reps will be able to get to more customers on the floor.

When it comes to using technology at tradeshows there are some obvious and immediate benefits, which include:

* You won’t get slowed down by samples and products catalogs but rather have everything readily available on your iPad or other tablet.
* All existing customer information will be at your fingertips.
* Easily duplicate past orders.
* Access to real-time inventory information.
* Have the ability to automatically apply discounts for specific customers.

The bottom line is that all these technological advances and features lead to huge time savings – for you, as well as your customers. It is time that you can use to have higher quality conversations with your buyers and also increase your ROI at every show that is attended.

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