How to Understand the Social Security Disability Law in Coeur D’Alene ID

by | Feb 4, 2015 | Articles

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There are many different reasons people end up being totally disabled and are no longer able to work. When you have become disabled, you have the right to file for Social Security disability. This will allow you to have medical insurance coverage and monthly benefits to provide for your needs. When filing for disability, it is imperative you have an understanding of the Social Security Disability Law in Coeur D’Alene ID. Through the help of a lawyer, you can properly file your disability paperwork so you can be approved for your benefits.

The first step in being able to be approved for disability is to have two medical doctors to state in writing you are fully and permanently disabled. Without this medical proof, your claim will most likely be denied. The doctors will need to state your diagnosis and prognosis so your claim can be decided on.

Unfortunately, many people are denied when they first apply for benefits. When people get a denial, they mistakenly believe they are unable to further pursue their claim. If you are denied, you have the right to appeal your case.

In the appeal’s process, the lawyer can present medical evidence to prove your disability. The lawyer may also bring in medical professionals to testify on your behalf so your medical condition can be proven.

Many people who are first denied their benefits are able to get an approval once they hire a lawyer and appeal the decision. When you hire a lawyer to represent you, you are not required to pay any fees unless you begin receiving your benefit payments.

Your first payment will be a lump sum payment that includes all of the months since you first applied for benefits. You will then begin receiving your benefit payments as normal each month.

To help you better understand the Social Security Disability Law in Coeur D’Alene ID, contact the Deissner Law Office. Through their services, you can submit your paperwork and get the legal help you need so you can be approved for your benefits. Call today and schedule your appointment so you can learn how they can help you.

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