How You Can Use Dentistry To Help Alleviate and Treat Sleep Apnea

by | Jun 17, 2019 | Dental Services

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Naturally, there are many reasons that people visit the dentist. While teeth cleanings and taking care of cavities may be what many people think of when they plan a visit to the family dentist, there are many other functions that these professionals can take care of as well.

Remember that a dentist is trained to take care of many problems affecting the entire throat and mouth area. This includes problems that you might have when sleeping. Sleep apnea dentistry in Elk Grove Village is a way to reduce snoring and restore a restful night of sleep. Here are some things that you might want to know about when using dentistry to help with sleep apnea.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Essentially, this is a sleep disorder in which you stop breathing at certain points during the night. This happens because of some type of obstruction within the airway. Of course, you do not know this is occurring at the time because you are sleeping. That is what makes the disorder so potentially dangerous. It is also quite loud, meaning that your sleeping partner will suffer right there alongside you. Sleep apnea dentistry in Elk Grove Village is a way to help you get through this disorder.

Devices That Can Help

Depending on the severity of your sleep apnea, your dentist may be able to recommend one of two different dental devices to help you. One is the mandibular advancement device. This is similar to a retainer that one would expect to wear after braces. It snaps over the upper and lower arches of the teeth via metal hinges. This will help prevent the muscles of the throat from collapsing against the airways, which obstructs them and leads to sleep interruption.

To learn more about sleep apnea and dental devices, contact Brian Homann, DDS. You can learn more about this topic by visiting Elk Grove Village Dentist.

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