Auto insurance is vital because it protects you, your property, and other road users from expenses incurred in case of car accidents. There are numerous types of auto insurance available, all covering different things.
However, some policies are mandatory depending on your state, so you must research that before looking for a suitable insurance company.
If you are an Illinois resident, below are the Illinois state minimum auto insurance coverage you must have before you can safely and legally operate your car, personal or commercial, on public roads.
These minimum insurance coverages ensure you can comfortably cover costs associated with damages and accidents involving your vehicle.
Liability Coverage
This policy covers any property damage or bodily injury caused by your car when you are at fault. The state of Illinois requires you to have the following minimums.
- $25,000 for physical harm or death per individual in the accident
- $50,000 total bodily harm or death per accident
- $20,000 for property damage per accident
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
This coverage protects you in cases where you are involved in an accident because of another motorist’s mistake, but the motorist is not insured. It helps cover medical bills and property repair or replacement.
- $25,000 for bodily harm per individual
- $50,000 for physical injury per accident
When applying for the policies, you should remember that these figures are minimums and might not offer full coverage in cases of serious accidents. Therefore, it would help to consider higher coverage limits.
You should also research the minimums from official sites or your insurance provider because they might change over time.
Accurate Auto Insurance has been operating in Illinois for a long time, resulting in solid and respectful relationships with clients. They also boast of their high-quality customer service and personalized services.
Visit their website to learn more about auto insurance policies and inquire about Illinois state minimum auto insurance coverages.