Many adult Americans are missing one or more teeth or have teeth that are in danger of falling out. In the past, these individuals had few options for replacing missing and failing teeth, but this has changed. Those in this situation can now make use of Implant Dentures in Phoenix, and there are two options for individuals. One may choose all-on-4 dentures or over dentures, also referred to as snap on dentures. Each has its uses and its advantages one must be aware of before making a treatment choice.
All-on-4 dentures are a dental bridge that is permanent rather than temporary. Individuals who are missing all of their teeth may choose this option. Four implants are used; in the jaw bone before a titanium bar is screwed onto this implant. The bar serves as the basis for natural looking teeth and allows one to have a natural, beautiful smile once again. One can eat and speak naturally as the dental bridge won’t slide or move around when one performs these actions, making this the perfect option for those who don’t want traditional dentures or are unhappy with the ones they currently have.
Another option for those missing all of their teeth or those who are in danger of losing the remaining teeth they do have is over dentures. Two to four dental implants are used, then a denture snaps onto these implants. Most dentists recommend four implants be used because this will provide optimal functionality and stability. There are situations, however, where only two implants are the better option, and this determination is best made by the dentist. You can click here to learn more.
Visit Guaranteed Dental Solutions to learn more about these and other treatment options. A smile is recognized around the world as a friendly gesture. Therefore, everyone should ensure theirs is all they want it to be. Thanks to advances in technology, dental techniques have changed a great deal over the years. Implant Dentures in Phoenix are only two of the many solutions one may take advantage of. Contact Guaranteed Dental Solutions today to set up a consultation and learn how to make your smile the best it can possibly be.