Is the Lemosho Route Right for My Mount Kilimanjaro Adventure?

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Travel

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Your visit to Tanzania won’t be complete without a life-changing excursion to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa (and the largest freestanding mountain in the world). You will get a chance to view the beauty of Eastern Africa from a bird eye’s view and experience possibly the only snow in the entire continent. There are seven popular routes you can take to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Learn more about if the is the right one for you.

Lemosho Route

The Lemosho trail spans 70 km. and takes most travelers seven to eight days to complete. While only 8% of tourists take this route, it is one of the most scenic routes, where you will get a panoramic view of multiple different ecosystems in one trip. It’s also one of the least crowded.

The trail takes you through the Shira Plateau and then acclimates you up to Cathedral Peak.

While considered one of the two more difficult routes out of the seven popular routes, there’s also a high success rate. Tourists have time to acclimate during the seven-day hike, and they will get inspired to see what’s next.

Should I Choose the Lemosho Trail?

The Leomosho trail is great if you have at least one week to dedicate to your excursion. You should also choose this route if you enjoy seeing animals and want the chance to see as many different landscapes in the area as possible.

Learn more about booking your adventure through Climb Kili.

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