Items to Have Checked Before the Air Conditioning Installation Service in Cape Coral, FL Comes In

by | Feb 11, 2015 | Articles

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The purchase of an new air conditioning unit is exciting. After the purchase, the installation of the new unit is the next step in gaining a functioning system. But before your unit is installed, you should make sure your home is ready for its new addition. This requires making sure everything is ready to go before the unit is installed.

One of the things to have checked before the Air Conditioning Installation service in Cape Coral FL arrives is the electrical system. This is especially important if your home has never had an air conditioning unit before. The air conditioner will need its own separate breaker to handle the demand of the air conditioner. If you already have space in the panel, this is usually not a problem. But it doesn’t hurt to make sure that your electrical system has the capacity to have this load added to the panel.

Another thing to have checked is the venting runs. If you are having a replacement installed, than now is a very good time to have your venting system cleaned and serviced. If you are having a new venting system installed, this has to be done prior to the installation of the unit. It is important to ensure that your venting system is capable of handling the air flow of the unit.

You should also have checked before the Air Conditioning Installation service in Cape Coral FL is installed is the thermostat. Since the thermostat fundamentally controls the air temperature and directs the unit to switch on and off, you need to make sure it is compatible to the new system. If it is not compatible, than you will need to have a new thermostat installed in with your new unit. So, it is important to get this checked especially if a new thermostat was not a part of the deal.

These are some of the fundamental things to have checked before the installation service installs the new unit. The electrical system and the venting are key support components of the new system.

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