LED collars for dogs earns acceptance in the pet world

by | Mar 12, 2013 | Shopping

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The typical dog owner has their hands full when leaving the house for a walk.  You have to be sure to have a leash, a bag for when he does his business, a cell phone just in case, and when walking at night, a flashlight.  With your pockets and hands full, it can be a struggle to be sure your dog is safe and under control.  A newer item on the market offers a solution to this ‘hands full’ problem; LED collars for dogs.

Similar to the idea of a head lamp, a simple yet ingenious thought is to attach a light to the dog’s collar.  Since the light is attached to the collar, the owner no longer has to worry about carrying a flashlight.  LED collars for dogs eliminate the need for a flashlight while helping owners to see their dogs at night and make them visible to traffic.  The owner is able to pay more attention and be alert to potential hazards since their hands are now free.

LED collars for dogs make life easier for owners.  It also makes life safer for owners.  Many lighted collars can be seen for miles.  The list of safety benefits seems endless.  The dog is visible if he decides to run off, drivers from all directions are alerted that both an animal and owner are there, wild animals are scared off by the bright light, poisonous hazards or uneven sidewalks are illuminated.

LED collars for dogs are definitely great for everyday use, but they are proving to be useful for working dogs.  Dogs that are employed for search and rescue especially are coming to be outfitted with a light collar.  It helps both the dogs and humans work more efficiently.  Dogs that work for the FBI and secret service are also perfect candidates for using a lighted collar as they greatly benefit from the numerous safety advantages the collars provide.

PupLight provides #1 lights for dogs, including LED light and accessories to make your night time dog walks safe and enjoyable. Visit Puplight.com for more details!

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