Varicose veins are a cosmetic problem for some women, but they can also be a serious medical problem. Varicose veins are raised, enlarged veins, usually in the legs and feet. Age is one of the main causes of these veins. Veins age with us, and often lose elasticity and stretch. The veins look blue because they contain deoxygenated blood, on the way back to your heart. Varicose veins are a sign of a slow-down in the blood circulation process. Pregnancy changes the blood volume and flow in the body, often resulting in varicose veins. Many women get varicose veins, for the first time, when they’re pregnant. There are several ways to treat this problem, including wearing compression stockings. The stockings squeeze the legs and improve blood flow. Exercise, like walking and cycling, is helpful, because it increases circulation in the legs and feet. Indications that you need medical Treatment for Varicose Veins includes skin ulcers near your ankles, muscle cramps, a heavy feeling in the legs and swelling.
Sclerotherapy is a common Treatment for Varicose Veins. There’s no anesthesia and it’s performed in the doctor’s office. The veins are injected with a solution that scars and close the veins. Laser surgery is also effective in closing off smaller veins. If your condition is advanced, the doctor may perform endoscopic vein surgery. The surgeon uses a thin camera, inside the leg, to close varicose veins. Many women opt for natural varicose vein treatment. The herb, horse chestnut, is widely used as a natural treatment. Horse chestnut contains aescin, which helps to prevent capillary damage. Grape seed extract and pine bark contain oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). OPCs ease inflammation and improve the structure of blood vessels. Butcher’s broom contains a byproduct believed to boost collagen in blood vessels–preventing them from stretching. Reflexology therapy works the feet, primarily, and users say it eases swelling. Maintaining your weight is one of the best ways to avoid varicose veins. Physicians say losing weight lessens pressure on the veins in your legs. It’s also recommended to follow a low-salt diet if your body is retaining water.