Making Decisions About the Cremation Service in Advance

by | Feb 23, 2016 | Funeral Services

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As part of the advance funeral planning, the individual has decided that cremation is the right thing to do. With the basics settled and an urn selected, it pays to think about the memorial service that will take place. Here are some tips for planning a Cremation Service that is dignified and provides loved ones with a chance to say goodbye.

The Timing for the Service

One of the first questions to answer is when the Cremation Service will take place. Should it be held before the cremation or after? The simplest approach is to arrange for the cremation prior to the service. This makes it possible to create a simple center in the funeral home chapel, complete with a table, a nice cloth, a framed photo of the deceased, and the cremation urn. Flowers can also be placed on or around the table.

For those who feel that some relatives will find closure easier if they are allowed to view the body, it is possible to arrange for the short term use of a casket. An insert is used as part of the arrangement. Once the service is complete, the team at the funeral home will remove the body from the casket and prepare it for transport to the crematorium.

An alternative to arranging a casket rental is to purchase a casket made from materials that will burn with ease. Basic wood or even wicker can be used. There are even sturdy cardboard coffins that are very attractive and will work fine for a memorial service.

The Elements of the Service

Whatever happens, in the memorial service should be aimed at accomplishing two goals. The first has to do with celebrating the life of the deceased. This provides the opportunity to remember what the individual meant to those assembled.

The second goal is to offer comfort to those who are left behind. This may involve the use of rites found in the religion followed by the deceased or by including readings that reflect the impact that a life well lived makes on others.

For anyone who is ready to make those final arrangements, contact the team at Evergreen Washelli today. With a little effort and attention to detail, all the plans for the service will be exactly what the client wants.

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