Men’s Gold Chains – A Buying Guide

by | Sep 25, 2014 | Articles

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There are a wide variety of shapes, styles, and colors when it comes to men’s gold chains. Most chains can be purchased in white, yellow, or rose gold to suit your specific style and needs. The real choice, however, comes down to which style chain you prefer. There are chains with smaller links, some with medium-sized or boxy links, and some with fancy or alternating style links. The link and/or chain style you choose will depend upon whether you want to wear just the chain, or add some type of pendant or decoration to it. Below you will find a general description of each chain style, as well as a small description of the three main colors of gold.

Chains With Smaller Links
There are a few different styles of men’s gold chains that contain smaller links, which are usually designed to look like there are no links at all. Snake chains and rope chains are the two most popular styles of this chain. Snake chains are made to resemble snakeskin. They are made of rings that fit very closely together making what appears to be a flexible tube. Rope chains also have small links that fit together closely, and are linked in a twisted pattern to look like a rope.

Chains With Medium or Boxy Links
When it comes to men’s gold chains, the chains in this category are the most common. Curb, box, and link chains all fit in this section. Curb chains contain links that interlock and lie flat, with all links uniform in size. Box chains have square links, giving the chain the signature boxy look. Link chains are typically round or oval shaped links interlocked in alternating directions so the shape of the links stands out.

Chains With Fancy Link Styles
This section has the most variety when it comes to chain styles. This section contains Figaro, mariner, and a variety of other fancy chains that don’t fit into other categories. Figaro chains are unique in that they are designed with several small round links with one long oval interspersed in the design. Mariner chains are similar, except they have one small circle and one larger oval connected in an alternating pattern. The other fancy chains include Franco, bar, and Byzantine.

Men’s gold chains come in a wide variety of shapes, styles, patterns, and colors. There are options to fit every single style. Each option comes in white gold (which is actually an alloy of gold and is usually mixed with nickel or palladium), rose colored gold (which is a mix of copper and gold) and of course yellow gold. With all of the great options and different styles, you’ll have a hard time choosing just one!

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