Cincinnati RoofingSteel and aluminum sheets can be made into a product which closely resembles a traditional asphalt or wood shingle as used for Cincinnati roofing. When produced, they can be made as individual shingles or as a panel. The panels are four feet long and can easily be installed over an existing roof. To the eye they appear to be very similar but metal shingles are actually very different from other types of shingles.
Based on the way the steel or aluminum sheet is formed and then painted, the metal shingles can be made to look like wood shakes, slate or Spanish tile. Some of the more expensive ones have multiple layers of paint and are textured to make them look even more three dimensional.
Metal shingles have a unique top coating which helps with UV protection and the reflection of the harsh rays of the sun, this treatment helps keep the roof cool and if the roof is cool, so is the interior of the home. This natural cooling effect is one of the primary selling points for metal roofing, it is estimated that heating costs can be pared by as much as 40%.
A further benefit of a metal roof is the longevity. The manufacturers of asphalt shingles can confidently guarantee their product for 17 to 20 years of use, a metal roof manufacturer can and does guarantee their product for 50 years, and even that is considered quite conservative by some.
Metal roofs have a number of safety features not found on traditional roofs other than perhaps slate, they are fireproof. This feature will often get the homeowner a lower rate on his homeowners insurance. Metal Cincinnati roofing can also stand up to high winds better than their asphalt counterparts, they weigh considerably less so they put far less strain on the houses structure. If installed on a new home, the roof trusses can be lighter, hence less expense.
Although they have significant benefits they also have a drawback, the cost. Metal roofs cost about 30% more than their counterpart and the installation costs may also be higher because of the unique skills required. The choice of course is the homeowners, is the long term potential saving worth the greater up-front costs, only the homeowner knows.