Microfocus X Ray source tubes from a trusted provider ensures that nothing is missed in diagnostic testing. The right tubes will be able to help capture images that are crystal clear with a focal spot as small as 5 microns. Whether it is for research or diagnostic testing the right Microfocus x-ray source tubes are a must.
High Voltage or Integrated Power Supply
The right supplier will offer you options that complement your machine. You should be able to choose the tubes that work for your needs. You should be able to choose between a high voltage power supply connected or a tube that will work with an integrated power supply. The right company will specialize in crafting the tubes that offer:
- Ease of installation
- Durable fine-tuned construction
- Maximum available flux
- 60-degree field of view
The fact is that not every supplier can provide you with the tubes that give you the options that you need. Power source is only part of the equation. Durable construction, ease of installation and of course performance all must be considered by the producer.
The Right Option
There is one supplier that uses state of the art equipment, techniques and materials to craft the finest Microfocus x-ray tubes. The tube from this source is encapsulated in silicone, a high voltage cable (can also be easily integrated into the existing power supply) and a glass inset that is built to protect against high voltage and radiation shielding! It is the ideal option for those micro views. MicroX-ray Inc, provides the high-quality tubes that you can depend on in a wide range of specifications including, Microfocus tubes! Use the trusted source for tubes.