Get the right general contractor in Irvine CA. Read on for helpful pointers to keep in mind.
Determine scope and scale
First, you’ll need to determine how big or complex the project is. That way, you’ll know what kind of help and assistance you need. A general contractor is someone who takes care of every aspect of the project, from getting the crew, acquiring the permits and even scheduling the inspections, just to name a few, the Federal Trade Commission says.
Ask about experience
When you hire a general contractor in Irvine CA, consider the firm’s experience. How long has it been around? The last thing you want is to get a construction firm that has little to no experience in handling the project.
Do your homework
Don’t forget to go online and check out the firm’s background. What kind of reputation does it have? A firm that has a solid record for exceptional results and service quality should be high on the list of contractors you’ll want to get for your project.
Read reviews
Pay attention to online feedback and reviews. These days, customers can use social media and a slew of review sites to warn off other clients from hiring a bad company. They could also use the same to give you tips and advice on which firms make for a sound hiring choice. By checking out reviews, you’ll get leads and avoid making a bad hiring mistake that could cost you a lot of frustration and stress later.
Cover the basics
Pick a construction firm that employs licensed, insured and bonded contractors. That’s the best way to cover up all your bases. With insured contractors, you won’t have to spring for medical costs in case accidents happen onsite. You know the contractors’ treatment and medical bills will be covered.
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