My Old Kentucky Home – Senior Housing in the Bluegrass State

by | May 4, 2017 | Assisted Living

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When most people think of retirement communities, the images that come to mind are of coastal regions – such as towns in Florida or California. These places are popular because of their mild climates, beautiful scenery and highly-rated medical care. However, seniors in the eastern and Midwestern United States need not look so far from home for senior housing.

They can find it all in the beautiful state of Kentucky.

What Makes Kentucky a Great Choice?

With lovely landscapes and historical splendor, many areas of Kentucky harken back to a day gone by. These gorgeous places are quiet as well, not as heavily traveled by tourists as attractions in many other states. Because of this, Kentucky is widely regarded as a good place to settle down, a great place to raise a family, and an excellent choice for senior living.

Companies specializing in relocation for seniors such as Oasis Senior Advisors – Louisville suggest weighing all of your options before deciding on a care facility in the state of Kentucky or anywhere else. Does the option fit your needs? How can you know?

Hands-On Experience in Senior Care

According to the US Census, nearly one in five Kentucky residents are above the age of sixty five. Because of this, medical caregivers in the area are experienced and well-equipped in all manner of senior care, whether it involves the treatment of dementia, pain management, treatment of major health conditions such as heart disease or cancer, or simply providing assistance to enhance quality of life. This level of real-world experience gives medical professionals in Kentucky and the surrounding areas an edge in providing excellent care to their patients.

Of course, not every person looking for senior housing is searching for world-class medical treatment. However, with many activities, numerous amenities for older Americans and a rich cultural heritage, Kentucky is a fantastic choice for those simply looking for a place to settle down for a while. When looking for a retirement option, be sure to consider your old Kentucky home!

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