Need Legal Representation for Railroad Lung Cancer in Illinois?

by | Nov 24, 2021 | law

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If your time working on the railroad either now or in the past has left you with railroad lung cancer, then you need professional legal representation to get the compensation you deserve. You can get compensation for chronic exposure to toxins such as:

  • Asbestos
  • Creosote
  • Fuels
  • Silica
  • Solvents
  • Welding fumes

You can also get compensated for exposure to diesel exhaust and other toxins can result in various forms of cancer throughout the body. If you suspect that you have cancer and it’s related to your time on the railroad, then you need professional legal representation.

Are Some Types of Cancers Specific to the Railroad?

Many occupations can experience similar types of cancers, but railroad lung cancer is specific to those who have worked on the railroad.

What’s the Fee for Your Services?

There is no fee until a settlement is reached, so don’t delay seeking legal representation for that reason. The initial consultation is always free, so don’t let financial constraints deter you.

Smokers Can Qualify

Even if you’ve been a smoker, you may still qualify for a railroad cancer claim, which will probably be determined during your initial consultation. Although smoking increases your likelihood of developing lung cancer, many non-smokers have developed it also.

Filing a Claim for a Deceased Worker

Depending on the circumstances, a claim may be filed for a deceased railroad worker who died of lung cancer caused by their employment. The statute of limitations varies on that, but the question can be answered during your consultation.

For Railroad Cancer Claims in Illinois…

If you have railroad cancer and want to learn your rights, then contact Diesel Injury Law to schedule an appointment. You pay nothing until your case settles, so don’t delay. Learn your legal rights and get the compensation you deserve.

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