Pediatric urgent care in San Diego is dedicated to serving your community, and assisting your children in the most perilous times. Although emergency care is designed and structured to evaluate severe and sudden conditions, many such care centers believe that preventative measures are the most life-saving strides that one can possibly take.
Safety Measures Are Important
One such safety measure that is exceedingly critical is car safety, as pediatric urgent care centers can account for a number of telling statistics. Every 14 minutes another individual dies in a car accident. When you assess the cumulative data, this equates to about 40,000 fatal car accidents in the United States every single year. Shockingly, approximately 700 children incur injuries in car accidents on a daily basis. Five percent of the people who succumb to car accident injuries are actually children. As a result, fatal car accidents are the leading cause of death between ages two and fourteen.
Accordingly, pediatric urgent care makes provisions to address the accident related medical complications that afflict children in greater proportions. After all, car accidents account for overwhelming numbers of disabled children, in comparison to other causes of disability. For example, brain injury and paralysis are observed after severe car accidents in some cases.
As noted, pediatric urgent care centers are equipped with the resources to address physical disturbances, neurological insults and any related issues stemming from car accidents. Children’s urgent care in San Diego braces itself for precarious situations every day. However, the greatest concerted effort that one can take is to use simple preventative measures. The likelihood of a fatality decreases for children who wear their seatbelt. Without a secured seat belt, a child is also more likely to incur an injury or death.
Pediatric care is essential for children who developed complications, as Children’s Physicians Medical Group understands. However, preventive measures can expedite and increase the rate of success for emergency treatment among g children, or eliminate the need for emergency care as a whole. The following guidelines are critical to preventative health for children.
Vehicle Safety Tips
Child vehicle safety restraints are often used improperly in some cases. Improperly installed restraints can increase the likelihood of inflicting injury on a child during a car accident. However, if you install these correctly, you can reduce the risk of death by 71% and 54% of infants and toddlers respectively.
Overall, infants are required to have infant seats as well as rear facing seats. Toddlers and preschoolers require convertible seats. School aged children need booster seats, while older children are best secured with seat belts.
To reduce the need for emergency care after an accident, children should face the rear of the car until they reach the age of one and weigh at least 20 pounds. Toddlers can ride facing forward, but rear faced seating is generally recommended.