Problems That a Vascular Specialist in Fayetteville, GA Can Treat

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Health

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A vascular specialist in Fayetteville, GA is a medical professional that specializes in treating the vascular system, which is made up of all types of blood vessels that deliver blood throughout the body. They treat problems with veins, capillaries, and arteries, which either arise on their own or in combination with other health problems. Here are a few common problems that a vascular specialist can help treat.

Leg Pain or Swelling

Many people think that problems with their leg muscles, such as pain, swelling, or cramping, are due to the muscular system. However, pain and cramping in the extremities can be a sign of vascular disease, that your blood is not circulating properly. A vascular doctor can help you manage chronic pain and identify if vascular conditions are at the root of your pain and suffering.

Blood Clots and Build-Ups

Build-ups, for example, those caused by cholesterol, and blood clots in your veins and arteries can cause serious suffering and even be deadly if they are not treated in time. A vascular specialist in Fayetteville, GA can identify these problems in time and treat them. Also, they can suggest lifestyle changes that can prevent build-ups and clotting, such as eating healthier or losing weight.

Managing Related Conditions

Some chronic health conditions, such as kidney disease and diabetes, have side effects that cause vascular problems. A vascular specialist can work with the rest of your medical team to manage the effects these diseases have on your vascular system.

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