Progressive Hair Design School in Hays

by | Nov 29, 2013 | Articles

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There will always be a place in our society for people who specialize in making others beautiful. This is not to say that they were not beautiful before, but a trained cosmetologist has a way of changing a person’s look completely. The experience includes more than getting a trim or changing which side their part is angled. It takes special tools and techniques to achieve a style others will envy, and it all starts at a Hair Design School in Hays, Kansas. People who believe they have what it takes to be a professional hair stylist will be delighted with the program that Hays Academy Of Hair Design offers in the Hays and Salina regions.

Classes start at four different points during the year and have a set schedule. Commitment to the program has to be strong in order to complete and pass. It’s easy to contact the academy with any questions, and financial aid is available for students in need. Once the basics are completed, a student can move on to clocking hours in the student salon. It’s a wonderful way to practice learned skills in a safe environment where people are open to change. In addition, there are annual contests and special events that are sure to enhance the progressive environment for the student. It’s not just all about hair at Hays. There are nail tech classes, and classes in communication to make sure the stylist and client are on the same page.

They are the best Hair Design School in Hays and welcome prospective participants to schedule a visit to the campus. Take the tour and see what it’s all about. Hays has now expanded their campus to Salina as well opening up even more opportunity to get the training needed for the world of cosmetology. They use some of the best products in their classes and salon for coloring that will give the student a head start to becoming a professional stylist. Career options are virtually unlimited for graduates in this program. Hays Academy Of Hair Design will provide excellent preparation for the career path of cosmetology.

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