Reducing Dental Anxiety in Children: Finding an Office Open on Saturdays

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Dental Services

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One of the most significant factors and how a child approaches going to the dentist is the dental office environment. When a parent notices that their child has developed anxiety about going to the dentist, one of their first measures should be reassuring their child that the dentist won’t hurt them. A parent’s second action should be to find a dental office where the environment is appealing for children. Parents should approach finding an appealing dental environment for their children using the following tips.

  • A child-friendly dental environment is one where the waiting room has bright colors, playful decorations, and it has comfortable seating. These things make the space more inviting and less intimidating. Providing books, toys, and games to keep children entertained while they wait is the best way to keep a child’s mind off of their impending dental procedures.
  • A child-centered approach to dentistry is vital. This includes dentist storytelling, engaging in conversation, and having office hours that don’t disrupt a child’s normal schedule. For instance, in Texas, it is easy to find a dentist in Fort Worth open on Saturday. This prevents the child from missing school and or spending time with friends.
  • Explaining to a child-patient what to expect during their dental visit in age-appropriate language is a crucial step and making children comfortable. Clear communication helps reduce anxiety and gives children a sense of control over the situation.
  • Keeping parents stress-free is also a way to keep children from anxiety. Going back to the example of a Texas dentist, finding a dentist in Fort Worth open on Saturday reduces a parent’s stress about taking a day off work.


While there are more ways for an office to become kid-friendly, these steps above show the relationship between children going to the dentist and the dental office environment. Contact Rio Dental & Orthodontics if you are looking for a dentist In Fort Worth, which opens on Saturday. Visit for more information.

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