As a business owner, things can go bad very quickly. Many businesses end up owing a lot of money and find it impossible to make payroll and pay the bills. Chapter 11 bankruptcy law New Market can you give the opportunity to reduce your debts, obtain a reasonable payment plan and begin the process of getting the business back in the black. If your business is buried in debt and you are looking for a way out, it may be time to get started on filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The process is fairly simple and straight forward.
List Debts
Chapter 11 bankruptcy law in New Market requires businesses to submit a listing of all debts that the business owes. A business owner cannot choose which debts to include in the bankruptcy filing. Every business debt must be listed.
List Assets
In addition to the business debts, the court will want a listing of the assets of the business. This includes physical assets, financial assets and debts owed to the business. When you visit Russell & Heffner LLC, we can help you to determine the assets of the business.
Make the Filing
Once a business owner knows his or her assets and debts, it is time for make the bankruptcy filing. At Russell & Heffner we are well versed on the Chapter 11
bankruptcy law in New Market. We can help you to get the forms completed and submitted to the court so that you can keep your business going.
If you are needing advice on bankruptcy or other business issues, visit Russell & Heffner LLC. Our team is ready and willing to help you deal with debts, save your business and get back to pursuing your dreams.