Seven Helpful Tips for Connecting Marine Battery Cables

by | Aug 24, 2016 | Business

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Marine battery cables are specifically designed for use in boats. These cables have very thick insulation on top in order to provide protection from corrosion and fatigue. Because of the testing conditions that these cables are put under, you know that they are made from very high-quality materials and are thoroughly tested before being made available for sale.

They are also resistant to oil, moisture, and abrasion. For instance, a 2 AWG marine battery cable is an excellent choice for use in small and medium sized boats. However, connecting the cables properly is very important; otherwise, your starter will stutter every time you turn the keys in the ignition. The following tips will help you connect the battery cables properly to maintain a smooth and uninterrupted connection.

1. Clean Everything

While connecting the 2 AWG marine battery cable, you should clean all the connections as best as you can. Dirt and grime settle on the connections over time, leading to serious problems.

2. Check Resistance

If you have a multi-meter, you should check the cables for any resistance (the ohm function on your multi-meter can help!).

3. Call a Professional

Many companies that sell batteries and marine battery cables also provide installation services. If you’re starting remains weak, call a professional mechanic to check the connections.

4. Check Connections

Before you start up the engine, it’s always wise to check the connections. Make sure that all the screws are tightened carefully, especially with the wires connecting the battery to the engine.

5. Check the Quality of the Cable

Bad cables can cause some serious problems, including fire. The heat can climb to the point of combustion, thus damaging the alternator all together.

6. Use the Manual

Specific batteries and cables come with their own manual that you can use to see whether the cables have been connected properly.

7. Check the Insulation

If saltwater penetrates through the insulation, it will start corroding the wiring inside. Make sure that the insulation on the wires is intact before you connect the wiring and start the engine.

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