Showing Money to Homeowners Often Leads to Faster House Sales

by | Aug 22, 2019 | Articles

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Buying a home doesn’t always have to mean that you get something that’s in the best condition. You could purchase a home with cash that needs renovations. Once the renovations are made, you can live in the home or sell it to make a profit. Here are a few things to consider if you want to be one of the cash house buyers in Portland.


Before you make an offer for the home you’re looking at, you need to take a tour of the inside and the outside. Consider taking a professional with you who can spot areas that might need major renovations, such as the electrical wiring. If you see that you might be spending too much renovating the home, then consider looking for another property or offering a much lower price.

No Payments

If you plan on staying in the home after it’s renovated, a benefit of being cash house buyers in Portland is that you won’t have a house payment. Unless you take out a mortgage, then the only thing that you’ll usually need to pay for would be maintenance and the utility payments. You’ll also save money on interest fees that are paid if you have to take out a loan to purchase a home.

When you have money to offer a homeowner upfront, then you usually have a little more room for negotiations compared to securing a loan before making the purchase. Most of the time, you’ll be able to purchase the home for less than the asking price if you have cash instead of paying what the homeowner wants. There isn’t a need for closing costs or completing contracts and other details that are often done if you were to take out a loan to make the purchase, which makes the buying process a bit faster.

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