Signs It is Time for New Overhead Garage Doors in Manitoba

by | Aug 8, 2021 | Garage Doors

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While garage doors are designed to provide excellent service for many years, the day will come when older doors must be retired. It pays to know the signs that indicate a replacement will be needed in the near future. Here are some common things that homeowners will need to recognize so they can make the right preparations.

The Doors Are Harder to Raise and Lower

When Overhead Garage Door In Manitoba become harder to open and close, the first thing to consider is that the garage door opener may be in poor condition. When an inspection of the motor proves that it is still in great shape, the issue may have to do with the door itself. If one or more panels have warped or otherwise no longer fit into the tracks properly, the owner will have to decide if repairs will fix the problem or if investing in a new door is the more cost-effective approach.

The Doors Are Beginning to Fall Apart

It seems as if every week brings the need for one more repair to those overhead doors. One week you needed to reinforce a panel, and the next you had to replace one or more of the rollers mounted in the tracks or rails. If your current door is having to be replaced one part at a time, it is a good idea to stop tossing good money after bad and start looking for a new door. In the long run, the costs will be much lower.

Before any decisions are made, it pays to get some advice from a professional. Contact the team at our website and arrange for an expert to come out and take a look at your current garage door. If the professional finds that continuing with repairs would not add any significant amount of life to that door, the focus can shift to considering designs for a replacement door. Once that new door is selected, the team can ensure that the old one is removed and the new one is properly installed.

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