Sod in Wichita KS – Explore the Choice

by | May 23, 2014 | Business

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It goes without saying that sod in Wichita KS comes with choices. Home owners have the pleasure of picking and choosing the perfect blanket for their lawn and have it installed within a matter of hours. There is nothing quite like a custom made lawn at the snap of a finger so-to-speak and choosing the right one will involve a certain level of maintenance. However, this is a small price to pay for an immediate enhancement toward the garden and house.

Creeping Bentgrass sod in Wichita KS can be considered the type which requires the most maintenance. It is fine in texture, dense and a low growing species. Bentgrass is typically used on bowling greens and fairways. The high maintenance part involves disease control and mowing. Perennial Ryegrass is the sprinter when it comes to growing and shows a high tolerance for traffic. With a medium texture and shiny blades it is a very popular choice for home owners, although it’s not uncommon to find Ryegrass on sport fields.

Coming towards the lower maintenance groups of sod in Wichita KS, Fine-Leafed Fescues is the preference. With sub-categories like red, chewing, hard and sheep Fescues, the drawback comes in the form of appearance and where it can properly be used. It doesn’t look as nice as the rest, but for a shaded area that doesn’t get a lot of water it’s perfect. The blades are very fine and they can be used in conjunction with Kentucky Bluegrass.

Another low maintenance favorite sod in Wichita KS is the Tall Fescue. It has a course texture, doesn’t require a lot of water and has a high tolerance level. The only big downside is when this specie gets damaged it doesn’t recuperate. There are many other choices of course like Supina Bluegrass and Weeping Alkaligrass with their respective characteristics. Whatever choice a home owner makes, whether it is based on maintenance or water retention, the fact is that convenience comes guaranteed. Remove the time constraint of watching grass grow and simply buy some sod. The only regret might be not doing it much sooner.

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