Stay a Step Ahead of Winter’s Return with a Residential Furnace Contractor in Wyoming, MI

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Air Conditioning

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When caught up in the heat and humidity of summer, simply thinking about the furnace makes some people overheat. Though air conditioning is a primary concern for American households right now, winter’s chill is sure to make its return before long. Once it does, the furnace will regain its prominence. Keeping a check on your home heating system could go a long way toward making sure it’s able to meet your family’s needs later in the year.

Keep Tabs on the Pilot Light

Though they’re designed to hold up to certain hazards, pilot lights aren’t invulnerable to sudden gusts or excess moisture. If the pilot light goes out, so does your heat. Relighting it is typically best left to a Residential Furnace Contractor in Wyoming MI, but knowing there’s a problem ahead of time gives you a little extra leeway in getting it fixed before cold weather returns.

Check the Filters

As is the case with air conditioning systems, having a fresh, clean filter is one of the keys to enjoying ample heat during the colder months. Whether your heating and air conditioning operate off the same ductwork or not, those filters can trap dust, debris, pet hair, and other elements all year long. Be sure to check and replace them a month or so in advance of the chill so you won’t be left in the cold.

Take Care of the Blower Motor

After running regularly for a few months and suddenly being left idle, furnace blower motors have a way of seizing up unexpectedly. Oiling them helps prevent problems. While this is something you can do on your own, there’s no harm in seeking professional intervention.

Watch the Reset Button

This feature varies widely by model, but all furnaces have some form of a reset button, safety switch, or other built-in shutoffs. They help thwart danger if a problem develops by preventing the units from coming on once they’re tripped. Flipping the switch or pressing the button is a simple feat, but if you don’t know why it was tripped in the first place, calling a residential furnace contractor in Wyoming MI is most likely the best course of action.

Summer won’t last forever. Be proactive in making sure the heating system is ready for action when cold weather returns. Check out our website for more information or to schedule an annual furnace inspection so you’ll be a step ahead of the game.

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