When you start to look for places to rent for your college years, consider a property like this one that will not only give you all of the comforts of home but also provide you with the amenities needed to create a full-bodied college experience. At these off-campus student apartments for the University of Alabama, you can rely on electronic access to keep the property safe and also offer fully furnished apartments so you can feel right at home from day one.
Places to Study and Mingle
Although it’s vital to do your best in your academics in college, it’s just as formative to build relationships with your peers and relax with a healthy social life. At these off-campus student apartments for the University of Alabama, you can lounge by the resort-style pool or plan a bonfire with friends just as easily as you can buckle down in the group study room or private study spaces to get your work done.
Pet-Friendly Property
It can be challenging to transition from your childhood home to college life, so this property allows you to bring your furry friend along for the ride. With a friendly face from home, you’re sure to feel more comfortable and confident in your new settings. Besides, your dog will love the public dog park and all the new friends they get to explore with.
Contact Lark in the Woods to find out more about the amenities provided and to check out the different floorplans available to you.