How would you like to borrow money, earn money and save money, all in the same place? It is easy to do if you pool your finances with a credit union versus a bank. Credit unions are notably efficient at helping their customers/owners save money. By customer/owner, the big advantage is that the consumer of these financial goods also is or becomes the producer of these financial goods. Some have reasoned that it is safer and much better just to go with a national bank. But credit unions have their advantages over the regular banks and ARC Federal Credit Union of Altoona, PA wants to tell you about some of the advantages.
(1) The customer at a credit union is also an owner. Therefore, all decisions made about the credit union are made on behalf and by the interest of the customer/owner. This is unlike a bank where the decisions are driven by outside stockholders interested only in making a profit.
(2) Credit unions are non-profit groups which mean more profitability of the customer/owner in his or her account. Because credit unions are tax exempt organizations, the saved expense affords the credit unions more revenue to be put to work on behalf the customer/owner.
(3) There are higher rates and fewer fees associated with a credit union as opposed to a regular banking institution. The typical credit union have no fee to set up an account and have minimum requirements for balances. The interest rates for certificates of deposits, savings and in some instances, checking accounts are far better than those offered by regular banking institutions.
These are a few advantages of a credit union and ARC Federal Credit Union is sure you would like to open up a Checking Account Altoona PA. Their share draft account has many benefits such as no fees or minimum balance, unlimited check writing privileges, free online baking and bill pay, overdraft protection, a free debit card and no recurring monthly charges. Among their other offered services are members services, deposit accounts and card services. ARC Federal has been serving their community since 1956, where they started as serving the parishioners of the Sacred Heart Parish in Altoona and now serve all members of the Catholic parish in Blair and Huntingdon counties, Pennsylvania.