True cigar aficionados tend to approach cigars like wine lovers approach wine. While they might have a brand that they like for everyday use, they also have some special cigars that they like to have on hand for special occasions. If someone you know is a huge fan of cigars, instead of getting the brand you always see them smoking, the next time you want to do something nice for them, you should give them a box of Montecristo cigars. It is a gift that they will be truly thankful for.
The only people who don’t know what Montecristo cigars are, are the individuals who don’t smoke. Among cigar smokers, the Montecristo cigars is easily the most famous type of cigar currently on the market. Not only is it a well-known brand, cigar lover’s all over the world can’t wait to get their hands on a box of their own.
Although the Montecristo cigars are currently made in the United States, it is was a Cuban cigar long before the United States decided to mimic it. Now, in addition to the Montecristo cigars that are made in the United States, you can also purchase a box that was made in the Dominican. The different soils the tobacco used for both types of Montecristo cigars could give the cigars a slightly different flavor, something that the cigar aficionado in your life will not only notice, but also appreciate. The paper that the Montecristo cigars are wrapped in is called Connecticut paper.
The great thing about the Montecristo cigars is that not only do they have a full flavor that any cigar smoker is going to love, they also smell good. Even if you don’t smoke, the sweet scent of the Montecristo will make you start to consider it. You won’t be able to get enough of the aroma. In addition to the great flavor, your cigar smoker is going to constantly talk about how smooth the draw is. They won’t have to inhale nearly as hard as they do when they’re using another brand of cigar.
While there are a few smoking shops and cigar stores that will carry Montecristo cigars, they are becoming increasingly harder to find. Rather than spending the entire day driving around town and looking for a cigar shop that might have gone out of business, you should plan on ordering the box of Montecristo cigars you are looking for form an online retailer. When you are shopping for the cigars, you should be aware that there are few different types of Montecristo cigars you can choose from. All of the Montecristo cigars are top quality. What most people end up doing is ordering a cigar sampler.