The importance of Neutering Your Pets to Prevent Overpopulation

by | Mar 12, 2013 | Articles

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As a responsible pet owner, it is vitally important that you be informed and make the wise choice to fix your pets. There are many myths about animals getting lazy or fat, or changing their personality or energy levels, but those are not true. An unwanted or unplanned pregnancy is quite a hassle and giving away or selling babies is very time consuming. It is not so easy to find good homes for puppies or kittens.

The local shelters are full of unwanted or abandoned pets. Most shelters are not no-kill. There are many pets available for adoption that may or may not find homes before their time runs out. There is no reason to bring more unwanted or unplanned animals into the world that may or may not find good, loving homes.

Health Reasons for Spaying & Neutering

There are many reasons why you should have your pet neutered as soon as they are hold enough for the procedure to be carried out safely:

* Female animals who are spayed get less uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50% off cats and 90% of dogs.

* Neutering males prior to six months old can prevent testicular cancer.

* Pets that are neutered will not go into heat or spray and urinate all over the house.

* Males won’t wonder away from home if they are fixed. They are more affectionate and emotionally tied to their families.

* Reduces risk prostate cancer and prostatitis

* Reduces the risk of perianal tumors

* Reduces risk of male cats roaming and fighting

* Reduces spread of diseases transmitted when animals roam and fight

Unwanted Pregnancies

The sad fact is that millions of animals are euthanized every year due to being unwanted. Some pets have problems with unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. Some females can even die during labour and delivery. The babies may be stillborn, which is a totally different aspect of having a litter. Dealing with a stillborn animal and a mother who wants to know why you are taking her baby away is heartbreaking. Also, some diseases can be passed on to the litters without knowing that any of the animals are infected.

I have bred and raised Siamese cats in the past, and my pets were well taken care of. They had regular checkups with my vet, and they were up to date on Vaccinations in Durham. The kittens were not given away; they were sold to good homes that wanted them and would care for them as well as I would. I no longer breed. Even if I still had full-blooded pets, I would have them fixed and have all their shot up to date using Vaccinations Durham. It is just the right thing to do for your pet, for your family, and for your community. If someone wants a puppy or kitten, there are millions in the shelters that need loving, caring homes every day.

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