If you are wondering what the best type of alcohol to drink might be, then you might be surprised by all of the health benefits that authentic tequila offers. In fact, top-shelf tequila in Texas is a great way to both enjoy and take care of yourself.
Losing Weight
While other alcohols can pack on the pounds via their high sugar and carb content, tequila is made from a very specific sugar called again which actually aids in weight loss. These sugars are unable to be digested by the human body and therefore cannot raise blood sugar levels.
Digestive Aid
Authentic tequila has a very high level of insulin, which means that it also is great for your digestion. It does this by helping to grow “good” bacteria in your stomach. Tequila can be a great shot to have right after dinner for this exact reason.
Strong Bones
If you are worried about bone health, then tequila should be your “go-to” alcoholic drink. This is because it contains agave tequilana which has been shown to aid the absorption of both calcium and magnesium. Both of these minerals have long been known to strengthen bones.
Good For Sleep Disorders
It has been shown that one shot of top-shelf tequila in Texas can ensure better sleep throughout the night. This is because it calms the nerves and puts the drinker in a deeper state of sleep. However, it is important to not drink too heavily and become dependent on alcohol to fall asleep.
Please contact Soledad Tequila at https://web.com