Regardless of your current economic status or your age, engaging the professional services of an estate planning lawyer / attorney in Fountain Valley and creating your will is the most important action you can take at the moment. Circumstances may change considerably as you go through life, as they change, you can change your will as well. The importance of a will cannot be over emphasized; it is the document that will ensure that your wishes are carried out in the event of your death.
If you die without having written your will the laws of the state decide where your assets go, chances are the decision made by the state is going to be different than what you wished for.
It is important that you have a will, the estate planning lawyer / attorney in Fountain Valley that you work with will want you to make specific decisions, all of which require serious thought.
* The executor: The executor is the individual that you elect to handle your estate; the executor should be a person that you trust. Before assigning this responsibility, talk to the person to ensure he or she is willing to accept the responsibility, let the executor of your estate know where to find your will, insurance policies and other important financial information concerning your affairs.
* Beneficiaries: Your beneficiaries are those people that you have decided will inherit your property, both real and personal. Normally your beneficiaries are those people that are closest to you but thought must be given to the possibility of your names beneficiary, perhaps your wife, dying at the same time. The clearer you make your wishes known, the better it will be for everyone.
* Legal guardian: If one parent predeceases the other, the surviving parent is usually granted custody of any minor children. In the event both parents should die at the same time, who do you want to take on the responsibility of raising your children? This is something that must be done in full cooperation with the named guardian.
Creating a will is one thing, ensuring that it is current and reflects your wishes means that you and your estate planning lawyer / attorney in Fountain Valley revisit it periodically.
A knowledgeable estate planning lawyer / attorney in Fountain Valley is an important professional, one that can ensure that your wishes are granted upon your death. You are welcome to contact the Law Offices of Norman J. Homen to discuss your unique circumstances.