Things to know before you hire a moving company

by | May 24, 2014 | Articles

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Although selecting the right movers in Bronx area can be time consuming, it is a task that should be taken seriously and the time that it takes to get the best is a worthwhile investment. When you are armed with knowledge and facts it will be easier to make an informed decision and end up with the right team of professional movers for your specific needs. Here are a few hints that may make the selection process a little easier.

  • By law all movers Bronx must be licensed by local, state or federal regulations; check it. When a moving company is granted a license to operate it means that all the requirements for operating a moving and storage company have been met. If the company you are considering is not licensed or their license has expired then do not work with them under any circumstances.

  • Make it your business to check the reputation of the company or companies that you are considering. Check online, look for reviews or complaints about the company. An excellent source of information is your local Better Business Bureau; they will have a list of valid complaints made against the company.

  • Find out if the estimate you have been given is binding or non-binding. A binding estimate means that the price you have been given is the price you will be expected to pay even if the shipment weights more or less than estimated. With a binding estimate you have a price guarantee based on the services indicated on the final contract.

  • Responsible movers Bronx rarely damage customer’s belongings but it can happen and you need to know in advance that your property is protected by insurance. Although every moving company must assume liability for the goods the move there are different levels of insurance coverage. There is full value cover as well as alternative level of liability insurance. With full value protection the company is responsible for items lost or damaged which exceed $100 per pound in value whereas with alternative level of liability which is provided at no cost by the mover assumes responsibility for no more than 60 cents a pound. Make it your business to review both types of insurance with the potential mover and choose the one best suited for you.

There is no doubt that the key to a successful move is in finding the right movers Bronx. Spend time researching the options and ask all the right questions, this will ensure you get the best moving company available.

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