Three Strength-training Exercises You Can Do at Home

by | Nov 3, 2022 | Health

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Has your gym membership become too expensive to fit into your budget? You don’t have to sacrifice fitness for finances when there are many ways to work out at home for little or no cost. Here are three effective strength-training exercises you can do in your own living room.

Bodyweight Exercises

The easiest way to work out at home is by using your own body weight to strengthen and train your muscles. Basic exercises like sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups are a great place to start, but you can also try more advanced moves like lunges, chair dips and jump squats.

Weighted Balls

If you want to work out your arms and upper body, try using weighted balls for exercise. Medicine balls, wall balls and kettlebells give your biceps and back a great workout, and they can also be used for working out in pairs or small groups.


Are weighted balls for exercise too heavy for you? Try lifting a set of dumbbells instead. Dumbbell sets usually include a variety of weights, so you can start out with the lightest pair and work your way up. You can also use dumbbells while walking on a treadmill.

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