Tips for Developing Your Content Marketing Strategy

by | Sep 19, 2014 | Articles

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If you do not take the time to do it right, content marketing can be a complete waste of effort and time. However, when you execute it properly, your content marketing can create a funnel of content that will turn a casual website visitor into an actual, paying customer. In order to have a successful Digital Marketing Strategy, you must first create a powerful content marketing strategy.

Four Steps to Successful Content Marketing

Use the following four steps to successfully develop your content marketing strategy.

Determine Your Target Market

The more specific you can be about the profile of your target market , the more success you will have in creating engaging content. In order to find out whom your target market is take these steps:

1. Talk to your existing customers.

2. Contact your prospective market through LinkedIn if you don’t currently have any existing customers.

3. Ask questions to determine the desires, needs, wants and problems of your audience.

4. Pay attention to what your customers are saying and how they say it so you can speak to them in their own language.

Develop the Buyer Persona

Having a clear understanding of your buyer persona is essential and it has to be done so that you are able to create the best unique selling proposition (USP) and content for the market you are trying to reach.

Create Your USP

The more unique you can be, the more success you will have. This will also give your customers even more of a reason to make a purchase from you, rather than the competition. Additionally, the more unique you are, the less competition you will have. This also means you will be able to charge higher prices since the buyers perception of value will increase, as well.

Development of the Content

At this point you will be ready to begin developing your content. In order to do this successfully, you need to consider the customer buying cycle.
When a customer is making the decision to make a purchase, there is a process that they go through. The stage that your content marketing funnel will move through includes:

1. Attract: Helps for leads to find you.

2. Convert: Turns a lead into a contact so that you are able to progress with the sales conversation.

3. Close: This is when you make them an offer.

Once they have made it through the buying funnel, you can provide extra information in the form of content marketing to answer any pre-sales questions and make an actual offer.

Are you looking for a Content Marketing Strategy that will work for you? If so, visit the Jasmine Sandler website for more information.

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